Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Finding Connections at Companies to Help Your Job Search

Finding Connections at Companies to Help Your Job Search Finding Connections at Companies to Help Your Job Search When youre looking for jobs, who you know can be as important as your qualifications. Your connections can provide you with inside information on available jobs at a company. They can give you information on the hiring process and what its like to work at the company. They might even be able to help you secure an interview. Connections can also write you recommendations, give your  resume  a close look, and help you prepare for an interview. Its not only who you know personally who can help; its also the people you know can refer you to. These second-degree connections may be able to assist you as well. If you know what company or companies you are interested in working for, try to find contacts at those companies. Read below for information on different ways to find contacts at companies, from networking online to going to alumni events to sending out email messages. LinkedIn Networking LinkedIn is the most popular website for professional networking. The site offers several ways for you to find contacts at a company. First, search your  LinkedIn Connections  to see who you know at a company. There are many ways to do this. You can search for a company name in the search bar at the top left corner of the screen. Then, click on the “People” tab at the top of the screen. This will show you any of your connections that work, or have worked, at that company. Another option after your search for a company name is to click on the “Companies” tab at the top of the screen. Then, you can click on the company’s LinkedIn page, which will list any connections you have at the company. You will be able to see people who are first-degree connections, meaning you are connected with them, as well as second-degree connections, meaning they are connected to someone you know. You can also see third-degree connections and connections beyond that. Also, search the  Groups Directory  by keyword. Many companies and groups of companies have Groups you can join. Once youre a member you will be able to interact with the other group members. This is a good way to connect with people at multiple companies within your industry. Once you find someone you know at a company, you can reach out to them through LinkedIn’s messaging system. If you find a second-degree connection, look at your shared connections with that person. Reach out to one of your shared connections, and see if he or she is willing to connect the two of you. College Career Networking If you are a college student or graduate, you likely have some company contacts that you don’t even know about. Check with your college career services office and alumni affairs office to see if there is an online career network you can access to search for alumni at a company. Your university may also have LinkedIn and Facebook  groups you can use to connect. Join their group or groups, and search for people who work at companies of interest. In-Person Networking Networking in person is really important, too. You cant beat that one-on-one interaction, especially when youre seeking help. If you belong to a professional association, attend a meeting or a mixer. Youll find that many of the participants have the same goals you do, and may have contacts at the companies youre interested in. If your college or university holds alumni networking events, be sure to attend. Join the local chapter of your alumni association. Old-Fashioned Networking While online databases and networking events are terrific ways to find connections, don’t forget about old-fashioned networking. Simply reach out to people you know and ask if they know anyone at the companies you would like to work for. Even if they dont know someone personally, they may be able to refer you to someone who does. You can reach out to your network in many ways. Consider sending an email to friends, family, and work contacts. You might also call or speak in person to people you know who are in your industry. Combine Strategies It makes sense to use a combination of these methods to find connections at various companies. Dont limit yourself to one way or another. When you find  a job opportunity youre interested in, check right away to see who you know at the company. Check LinkedIn and your alumni network, reach out to friends and family, and attend any relevant networking events. You never know who might be able to give your candidacy a boost.

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